İçeriği kısıtlama olmadan görüntüleyebilmek için İdarenizin veri tabanı aboneliğinin bulunması gerekmektedir.

ÖZET: Temyiz Kurulu İlamı dated XX-XX.XX.XXXX (XXXXX tutanak sayılı) dated X. and X. articles (XXXXX ilam numbered) dated XX-C. and XX-B. article in which the responsibility of the contractor’s lawyer (Vekil Avukat …) is being appealed, but the appeal is late because it was submitted on XX.XX.XXXX after the expiry date of XX-day corrective period stated in Article XX of Law No. XXX on XX.XX.XXXX.The decision dated XX.XX.XXXX (XXXXX tutanak sayılı) states that the appeal is rejected due to time limit and a new document was created based on this decision.Important points in the case include:* Temyiz Kurulu İlamı dated XX-XX.XX.XXXX * Vekil Avukat …’s responsibility * Article XX of Law No. XXX * Time limit for appeals