İçeriği kısıtlama olmadan görüntüleyebilmek için İdarenizin veri tabanı aboneliğinin bulunması gerekmektedir.
ÖZET: Upper management officials at municipalities are responsible for preparing and implementing their department’s strategic plans and budgets in accordance with development plans, annual programs, the municipality’s strategic plan and performance targets, and service requirements. They must also ensure that resources under their control are used efficiently, economically, and effectively, prevent losses and misuse, oversee the operation of the financial management and control system, and perform duties and responsibilities specified by law.However, since the payment was made directly under a contract signed by the municipal president, he is responsible for any resulting public loss. The municipality’s budget can only be spent with a procurement directive issued by the authority responsible for procurement, which must comply with budget principles and regulations. As such, both the mayor and the procurement official are liable for expenditures made in violation of the law.The responsibility of execution officials lies in ensuring that work, goods, or services are obtained in accordance with established procedures. In this case, the payment was made under a contract signed by the municipal president and a procurement directive issued by the responsible authority, and was performed by an employee who could not have objected to the transaction due to his position. As such, it would be unfair to hold execution officials liable for the payment. |