İçeriği kısıtlama olmadan görüntüleyebilmek için İdarenizin veri tabanı aboneliğinin bulunması gerekmektedir.

ÖZET: Upper management officials are responsible for ensuring that their department’s strategic plans and budgets align with the development plan, annual programs, and the institution’s strategic plan and performance targets, as well as service requirements. They must also ensure effective, economic, and efficient use of resources, prevent loss or misappropriation, and oversee the functioning of the financial management and control system.In this context, the payment made was directly related to a contract signed by the mayor, and thus, the mayor is responsible for any resulting public damage. According to Article XX of Law No. XXXX, expenditures can only be made with the approval of the authority responsible for making payments, and these approvals must comply with budget principles and laws.In this case, both the president of the municipality and the officer in charge of payment are responsible for any non-compliant expenditure.