İçeriği kısıtlama olmadan görüntüleyebilmek için İdarenizin veri tabanı aboneliğinin bulunması gerekmektedir.

ÖZET: some construction projects’ contract amounts were changed without a valid reason by the administration, which is against the principles of public procurement. According to the Public Procurement Law (XXXX), administrative bodies are responsible for ensuring transparency, equality, and fair competition in public tendering processes. The administration must also ensure that funds are used efficiently.

In this case, the contract amounts for X construction projects were changed without a valid reason by the administration, which is against the principles of public procurement. This decision was made without considering the original bids submitted by contractors, which could have been influenced by the changed contract amounts.

The administration’s decision to change the contract amounts without a valid reason has led to a violation of the principles of public procurement. The contractor must submit a revised work plan within X days, and any changes to the work plan must be approved by the administration.